Builders Cleaning Service Cheltenham

Professional cleaning for builders in Cheltenham

Expert post construction Cheltenham cleaning services.

We help make sure your building site is cleaned properly after the tradesmen are finished. This involves helping with:

  • paint splashes
  • plaster
  • sawdust
  • debris
  • heavy-duty vacuuming

Guaranteed Savings

Professional post builders cleaning service Cheltenham

We aim to offer you savings of 10% on your post builders cleaning services Cheltenham by combining our self-delivered service. So if your construction project needs some help getting things presentable, get a free no obligation cleaning quote. Complete the form and we will call you back to discuss.

Builders Cleaning Cheltenham and what it entails

There is a big difference between a Builders clean and a domestic clean, the first is a thorough clean at the end of a project while the second is a light clean to a domestic property on a regular basis. Building is a messy job, especially if other trades such as the plasterers and painters haven’t used adequate protection when carrying out their works.

At the end of the building and decorating process, a clean is required to make the new property or refurb presentable.

What our Cheltenham builders cleaning team covers

There are many areas in a room which accumulate dust which often go unnoticed when people clean themselves. Our team in Cheltenham always cover the following:


  • Shelves and surfaces
  • Inside and on top of cabinets
  • High-level fixtures such as light fittings and switches
  • Extractors
  • Windows or any other glazing
  • External gutters
  • Balconies

Once the Dust Settles

Whether you’ve just finished exciting renovations on your home or you’ve just moved in to a new-build property on what is still a bit of a building site, you’ll need a good clean. No matter how careful you were during the renovations or how well the builders tidied up after completing your home, there’s bound to be paint blobs, dust layers and cement drops in various places.

Dust is not only annoying but can exacerbate allergies and cause respiratory problems, so you’ll want to deal with it right away. The very first thing to do is open the windows and ventilate the property.

To make everything feel nice, new and fresh, you’ll most likely need to consider a deep clean to rid your home of dirt and dust. This might include furniture, walls, carpets, windows and work surfaces.

For such a task, think about our Cheltenham builders cleaning service from Intocleaning. You’ll be keen to get this done as soon as possible so you can enjoy and relax in your beautiful new home, but at least wait for the dust to settle literally.

This could take up to two weeks for the air to clear sufficiently for an effective professional clean. Cleaning too soon before the air has cleared will mean it needs doing again almost straight away.

Ways to enjoy your property as soon as possible and prepare for a professional deep clean involve the following:

Sweep up any remaining rubble or debris

Clear the large bits first before thinking about the finer surface dust that has accumulated.

Use a vacuum cleaner on all carpets and upholstery to prevent further damage or possible staining from occurring

You’ll need to repeat this process every few days during the first fortnight to eliminate fine dust particles hanging about in the air.

Wipe down any surfaces or flooring made from wood, stone, tiles or laminate

Doing so with a gentle non-abrasive cleaner and warm water to clean away any lingering surface dirt from building work.

Curtains and window blinds will also be harbouring dust

So you will most likely need to take these down to wash as well. Wiping down the interior walls and the insides of your windows is also recommended to remove dust and dirt.

For anyone who has completed a full house renovation, the clean-up task can seem overwhelming. Renovating a home is mentally and physically exhausting, so why not leave the labour-intensive task of clean-up to the professionals?

Everything will need a deep clean, including walls, ceilings, floors, windows, furniture and lighting to get a sparkling finish you can feel proud of. It can make life a lot easier to hire a professional with expertise and access to the best materials to complete this final step for you.

Get a Free Cleaning Quote

Get in touch today for more information or for a free, no obligation quote. Simplify your cleaning supplies and save money with our self-delivered service!